A work in progress...

I changed the location of my logo from my plans since a) it seemed very difficult as a beginner web designer to complete this, and b) as a design choice, it being central actually gave it too much direct focus. So I moved it to the left. I had a play around with the gradient fill tool learned from w3schools to fill the navigation bar with my branding colours, which you will see later on I changed since the gradient is too much on the eye. I also used a Tutorial on youtube to help me build a navigation bar with tabs that slide across with a line at the top rather than underneath, and also changes colour.

Below are images of where ive changed the colour of the header from a bright coloured gradient to a simplistic off white/ beige colour to create a more minimalistic look. I have also made the text colour of the tab titles to stay the same, and to just have the bar that moves.

As you can see, I have also added the 3 images for each of my projects. I created a div for each image, gave it a class of "image", included "href" for each image to open up a new html page to showcase each full project, sourced the image using "src" and used a "onmouseover" and "onmouseout" for the gradient overlay effect when the mouse is hovered over it. I also added a width and height, and an "alt" incase an image cannot be displayed online. 

Below is the tutorial which aided me with my website design, as well as using w3schools, and the help of Tom in the media labs.


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