Website development

Hi again, today my goals are to:

  • insert my logo as a gif
  • understand why some titles on the "my work" page has more spacing in than others
  • figure out the image layout on my "wpmf" page
  • why is the text on "one man" page going across rather than going down

Inserting my logo:

Below is my logo as an animated gif. I would like to insert it so it loops once, and then stays still as an image, whilst also being the correct dimensions at the top left hand side of the page.

I have tried to put the logo into its own div so I can change the sizing, but I am not sure why the html is not working here. It isn't allowing me to change the dimensions and I am unsure why the link is at the top right hand side of the page. 

update! - I re entered the html, and for some reason it is working now, which is good progress for my website. It still isn't fitting quite right but I am glad I have sorted that part. Now I need to figure how to make it only loop once, and use the same html code for each page since the header/ nav bar is at the top of all pages.

update 2! I have cropped the gif and it fits much better now, now is just to make it loop once.

Figuring text spacing:

As you can see, the text underneath the middle image has more spacing that the others. I have looked through the coding and I am not sure how this has happened. I also wish to create smaller spacing in between each line of text.

Figuring image layout on "wpmf" page:

I have created the basic wireframe for how i'd like the images to be laid out. You can see the images are not fitting correctly and so I have resized them to fit properly.

The layout is now working!

Figuring text on "One Man" page


I would like the text to be underneath each other rather than across and I am unsure why. I transferred the way I did the titles underneath the images on the "my work" page, but it is not doing it in the same way. Another thing to figure out and perhaps ask Tom! Id also like to change the size and make the text weight make sense for visual hierchy - bold main heading (One Man Two Guvnors), italics subheading (Volunteer community theatre for mask theatre, peterborough), and smaller size font and regular weight for the body of text.


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